Dance Music Resolutions for the New Year

The holidays are whizzing by, and just beyond the other side of New Year's Eve is a whole, year. Soon we'll reflect on all the struggles we've endured during the pandemic and look ahead with renewed commitments towards the future.
For those who partake in the tradition of resolutions, it's a time of transformation. Whether that's a change in your financial situation, a shift in your self-care, or an upgrade in the way you take on the world, resolutions can be valuable in ready hands.
While it's true that resolutions often fade by February, the inspiration to change can come from anywhere, especially our beloved festivals. But, more importantly, commitments to personal metamorphosis should be applauded. After all, change isn't easy, particularly when it's needed. That's why when the squad at Festival Insider reminisced on some of our most memorable moments of 2021, we came up with ten New Year's Resolutions inspired by the timeless experiences and unforgettable characters in dance music that made this past year so special.
Need a resolution of your own? Try one of these on for size.
Express Yourself with Fashion
Inspired by The Glitter Spies and Elements Festival
If you like to live vicariously on the 'gram, the fashion of festivals may have been a godsend during the pandemic. Through 2021 festival fashion bounced back hard. Just ask The Glitter Spies, who routinely post about the hottest new trends in the dance music world. This was also true at Elements Festival, where their production team successfully pulled off a hyper-inclusive fashion show at a stage along with one of the most pandemic-safe events of the year.
Travel to a Foreign Festival
Inspired by SXM Festival
If you're feeling restless or like you've wanted to make a vacation getaway happen sooner than later, take a look at our festival map, and you can locate festivals all over the world. Chief among these getaway experiences is Saint Martin's SXM Festival. This gem of a music festival experience is known as "the friendly island" for its neighborly culture and "the Las Vegas of the Caribbean" for its casinos, nightlife, and general fun. Best of both worlds? You decide!
Lean into Yoga or Meditation
Inspired by Wanderlust
This year was perfect for learning self-care habits like yoga or meditation at home. At Wanderlust, the benefits of these went digital to stream peace and tranquility farther than ever before. Sessions stretched all over the world. The ripples of their impact can't quite be measured, yet those who are tuning in are certainly finding something special in it. Is yoga for you? Lean into it in 2022 and find out for yourself.
Make Art
Inspired by Meow Wolf's Convergence Station and the Perplexiplex
Believing in the power of art and making it are two very different things. This year, some festivals pushed the creative envelope, which got us thinking about all the fun projects getting cooked up for events next year. If you've got a bunch of tools in the garage gathering dust, why not shake them off and create something special to share. Maybe catch people by surprise with something way over the top like basically everything at Meow Wolf's largest project to date, the permanent collaborative art installation and music venue in Denver's Convergence Station.
Combine Superpowers with a Friend
Inspired by Daniel Popper and A-A-Ron at EDC Las Vegas

What's better than having a superpower? Teaming up with a friend who has one of their own too. Sometimes that's the best way to take it up a notch. This year Electric Daisy Carnival demonstrated this in the enormous art of Daniel Popper, who teamed up with A-A-Ron to bring the colorful masterpiece 'Chasm' to the festival.
Dance More
Inspired by Lightning in a Bottle
For those who attended LIB's first fully digital event, a whole new world opened up to their life-changing eclectic dance party. Through a clever combination of Twitch and Zoom, everyone got a chance to practice all those primo dance moves from the comfort of their living room, in full view of everyone else who showed up for the get down.
Show off your shuffle, toss in a two-step, or flash that tango with a resolution to dance into the new year.
Look at Life With Increased Positivity
Inspired by Life is Beautiful Music & Art Festival
2021 was a challenging year. That's why looking at the brighter side is more important than ever. You may not be a glass is half-full kind of person, but if Life is Beautiful Music Festival taught us anything this year, it's that we can always find a smile inside, even when we feel overstimulated, exhausted, or like we're missing out. Commit yourself to remember how beautiful life can be, and just maybe it'll be that much better.
Cannonball into Crypto or NFTs
Inspired by Art Basel Miami
Everyone wants a chance at the next big thing. And, these days, few can argue that's Crypto and NFTs. This year at Art Basel, guests of the event had the chance to view NFT galleries in addition to the usual physical art galleries that Art Basel is known for. Through the efforts of the global non-profit Far Away Project, NFTs at the festival was an opportunity to make social impacts that benefit impoverished communities, environmental causes and deliver aid to global conflicts. Through projects like these, blockchain proves at least part of its potential.
Help Someone Get Back on Their Feet
Inspired by Travis Scott's Astroworld
In the aftermath of the tragedy that unfolded at Astroworld this year, many were left wondering how such horrors could happen. It would seem that the answer is: it happens when good people do nothing. If the experience taught us anything, it's that in a world where selflessness is in such short supply, helping someone else can literally save a life.
Do Your Own Thing
Inspired by Burning Man
When Burning Man's event permit got pulled for the 2021 iteration of the event, it didn't stop Burners from going out to their beloved Playa anyway. At the time of their annual gathering, they turned out in numbers estimated upwards of 25,000 claiming the public privilege to vacation in the Black Rock Desert. The turnout and resulting experience spoke volumes about the spirit some share to march to the beat of their own drum. To drive the flow instead of going with it. So why not do the same in the spirit of renegade burners in the days and months ahead?